Mega Jump Wiki

Each worlds has 20 action packed stages,coins patterns, amazing backgrounds and graphics, and cool soundtracks.When a new world is release it can be added to the mega jump store by updating the game. Once updated it can be bought at the store for 2000 megapoints.Wi-fi is need to get new worlds and having a weak connestion can cause the game data to reset.


There are 3 worlds so far, which makes 60 level in total.


Prima is the frist world in the mega jump game and is playable without uploading or buying it. The theme of this world is different from other in the way that its not a magical realm or enchanted land. Its frist levels are set in a up going forest, middle levels are in the sky, and its last levels are in space.

Mega-Jump v208 GetSetGames-04

One of prima levels


  1. Sunshine Glade
  2. Treetop Village
  3. City of Mists
  4. Burning Sands
  5. Thunder Clouds
  6. Silvery Moon
  7. Starry Sky
  8. Edge of Space
  9. Comet Nebula
  10. Galactic Core


Magica the magical realm is filled with rocky cliffs, crumbling ruins, magical trees and floating space villages. It was frist release when game was updated with update 15. This realm differ alot from Prima which had no magic base levels.


Update 15 with Magica


  1. Winding Woods
  2. Spirit Canyon
  3. Pillar of the Sky
  4. Cloud Village
  5. Mystic Tree
  6. The Lost Chasm
  7. Storm's Edge
  8. Cosmic Ruins
  9. Solar Garden
  10. City of Ghosts


Aeria is an enchanted land of ancient forests, glittering mines, and cloud oceans filled with majestic flying whales.It is the third world in all and the second world to be release by update. Aeria was the 12 persent of the 12 day of mega jump


One of Aeria levels


  1. Winging woods
  2. Spirit Canyon
  3. Pillar of the Sky
  4. Cloud Village
  5. Mystic Tree
  6. The Lost Chasm
  7. Storm's Edge
  8. Cosmic Ruins
  9. Solar Garden
  10. City of Ghost